--- title: "RAINBOWR: Reliable Association INference By Optimizing Weights with R" author: - Kosuke Hamazaki (hamazaki@ut-biomet.org) - Hiroyoshi Iwata date: "2022-01-31" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{RAINBOWR} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.dpi=96 ) ``` ## NOTE!!!! ##### The paper for `RAINBOWR` has been published in PLOS Computational Biology (https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007663). If you use this `RAINBOWR` in your paper, please cite `RAINBOWR` as follows: - Hamazaki, K. and Iwata, H. (2020) RAINBOW: Haplotype-based genome-wide association study using a novel SNP-set method. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(2): e1007663. ##### The stable version for `RAINBOWR` package is now available at the [CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=RAINBOWR). ##### Please check the change in RAINBOWR with the version update from [NEWS.md](https://github.com/KosukeHamazaki/RAINBOWR/blob/master/NEWS.md). ---------- In this repository, the `R` package `RAINBOWR` is available. Here, we describe how to install and how to use `RAINBOWR`. ---------- ## What is `RAINBOWR` `RAINBOWR`(Reliable Association INference By Optimizing Weights with R) is a package to perform several types of `GWAS` as follows. - Single-SNP GWAS by `RGWAS.normal` function - SNP-set (, haplotype-block, or gene-set) GWAS by `RGWAS.multisnp` function (which tests multiple SNPs at the same time) - Check epistatic (SNP-set x SNP-set interaction) effects by `RGWAS.epistasis` (very slow and less reliable) - Single-SNP GWAS including tests for interaction with genetic background by `RGWAS.normal` function - SNP-set (, haplotype-block, or gene-set) GWAS including tests for interaction with genetic background (or epistatic effects with polygenes) by `RGWAS.multisnp` function (which tests multiple SNPs at the same time) `RAINBOWR` also offers some functions to solve the linear mixed effects model. - Solve multi-kernel linear mixed effects model with `EM3.general` function (using `gaston`, `MM4LMM`, or `RAINBOWR` packages; fast for `gaston` and `MM4LMM`) - Solve one-kernel linear mixed effects model with `EMM.cpp` function - Solve multi-kernel linear mixed effects model with `EM3.cpp` function (for the general kernel, not so fast) - Solve multi-kernel linear mixed effects model with `EM3.linker.cpp` function (for the linear kernel, fast) By utilizing these functions, you can estimate the genomic heritability and perform genomic prediction (`GP`). Finally, `RAINBOWR` offers other useful functions. - `qq` and `manhattan` function to draw Q-Q plot and Manhattan plot - `modify.data` function to match phenotype and marker genotype data - `CalcThreshold` function to calculate thresholds for GWAS results - `See` function to see a brief view of data (like `head` function, but more useful) - `genetrait` function to generate pseudo phenotypic values from marker genotype - `SS_GWAS` function to summarize GWAS results (only for simulation study) - `estPhylo` and `estNetwork` functions to estimate phylogenetic tree or haplotype network and haplotype effects with non-linear kernels for haplotype blocks of interest. - `convertBlockList` function to convert haplotype block list estimated by PLINK to the format which can be inputted as a `gene.set` argument in `RGWAS.multisnp`, `RGWAS.multisnp.interaction`, and `RGWAS.epistasis` functions. ## Installation The stable version of `RAINBOWR` is now available at the [CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=RAINBOWR). The latest version of `RAINBOWR` is also available at the `KosukeHamazaki/RAINBOWR` repository in the [`GitHub`](https://github.com/KosukeHamazaki/RAINBOWR), so please run the following code in the R console. ``` r #### Stable version of RAINBOWR #### install.packages("RAINBOWR") #### Latest version of RAINBOWR #### ### If you have not installed yet, ... install.packages("devtools") ### Install RAINBOWR from GitHub devtools::install_github("KosukeHamazaki/RAINBOWR") ``` If you get some errors via installation, please check if the following packages are correctly installed. (We removed a dependency on `rgl` package!) - Rcpp # install `Rtools` for Windows user - plotly # Suggests - Matrix - cluster - MASS - pbmcapply - optimx - methods - ape - stringr - pegas - ggplot2 # Suggests - ggtree # Suggests, install from Bioconducter with `BiocManager::install("ggtree")` - scatterpie # Suggests - phylobase # Suggests - haplotypes # Suggests - rrBLUP - expm - here # Suggests - htmlwidgets - Rfast - adegenet # Suggests - gaston - MM4LMM - furrr # Suggests - future # Suggests - progressr # Suggests - foreach # Suggests, but stongly recommend the installation for Windows user to parallel - doParallel # Suggests - data.table # Suggests In `RAINBOWR`, since part of the code is written in `Rcpp` (`C++` in `R`), please check if you can use `C++` in `R`. For `Windows` users, you should install [`Rtools`](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/). If you have some questions about installation, please contact us by e-mail (hamazaki@ut-biomet.org). ## Usage First, import `RAINBOWR` package and load example datasets. These example datasets consist of marker genotype (scored with {-1, 0, 1}, 1,536 SNP chip (Zhao et al., 2010; PLoS One 5(5): e10780)), map with physical position, and phenotypic data (Zhao et al., 2011; Nature Communications 2:467). Both datasets can be downloaded from `Rice Diversity` homepage (http://www.ricediversity.org/data/). Also, the dataset includes a list of haplotype blocks from the version 0.1.30. This list was estimated by the PLINK 1.9 (Taliun et al., 2014; BMC Bioinformatics, 15). ``` {r, include=TRUE} ### Import RAINBOWR require(RAINBOWR) ### Load example datasets data("Rice_Zhao_etal") Rice_geno_score <- Rice_Zhao_etal$genoScore Rice_geno_map <- Rice_Zhao_etal$genoMap Rice_pheno <- Rice_Zhao_etal$pheno Rice_haplo_block <- Rice_Zhao_etal$haploBlock ### View each dataset See(Rice_geno_score) See(Rice_geno_map) See(Rice_pheno) See(Rice_haplo_block) ``` You can check the original data format by `See` function. Then, select one trait (here, `Flowering.time.at.Arkansas`) for example. ``` {r, include=TRUE} ### Select one trait for example trait.name <- "Flowering.time.at.Arkansas" y <- Rice_pheno[, trait.name, drop = FALSE] ``` For GWAS, first you can remove SNPs whose MAF <= 0.05 by `MAF.cut` function. ``` {r, include=TRUE} ### Remove SNPs whose MAF <= 0.05 x.0 <- t(Rice_geno_score) MAF.cut.res <- MAF.cut(x.0 = x.0, map.0 = Rice_geno_map) x <- MAF.cut.res$x map <- MAF.cut.res$map ``` Next, we estimate additive genomic relationship matrix (GRM) by using `calcGRM` function. ``` {r, include=TRUE} ### Estimate genomic relationship matrix (GRM) K.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = x) ``` Next, we modify these data into the GWAS format of `RAINBOWR` by `modify.data` function. ``` {r, include=TRUE} ### Modify data modify.data.res <- modify.data(pheno.mat = y, geno.mat = x, map = map, return.ZETA = TRUE, return.GWAS.format = TRUE) pheno.GWAS <- modify.data.res$pheno.GWAS geno.GWAS <- modify.data.res$geno.GWAS ZETA <- modify.data.res$ZETA ### View each data for RAINBOWR See(pheno.GWAS) See(geno.GWAS) str(ZETA) ``` `ZETA` is a list of genomic relationship matrix (GRM) and its design matrix. Finally, we can perform `GWAS` using these data. First, we perform single-SNP GWAS by `RGWAS.normal` function as follows. ``` {r, include=TRUE} ### Perform single-SNP GWAS normal.res <- RGWAS.normal(pheno = pheno.GWAS, geno = geno.GWAS, plot.qq = FALSE, plot.Manhattan = FALSE, ZETA = ZETA, n.PC = 4, P3D = TRUE, skip.check = TRUE, count = FALSE) See(normal.res$D) ### Column 4 contains -log10(p) values for markers ``` ``` {r, echo=FALSE} qq(normal.res$D[, 4]) manhattan(normal.res$D) ### Automatically draw Q-Q plot and Manhattan if you set plot.qq = TRUE and plot.Manhattan = TRUE. ``` Next, we perform SNP-set GWAS by `RGWAS.multisnp` function. ``` {r, include=TRUE, message=FALSE} ### Perform SNP-set GWAS (by regarding 11 SNPs as one SNP-set, first 300 SNPs) SNP_set.res <- RGWAS.multisnp(pheno = pheno.GWAS, geno = geno.GWAS[1:300, ], ZETA = ZETA, plot.qq = FALSE, plot.Manhattan = FALSE, count = FALSE, n.PC = 4, test.method = "LR", kernel.method = "linear", gene.set = NULL, skip.check = TRUE, test.effect = "additive", window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 11) See(SNP_set.res$D) ### Column 4 contains -log10(p) values for markers ``` ``` {r, echo=FALSE} qq(SNP_set.res$D[, 4]) manhattan(SNP_set.res$D) ### Automatically draw Q-Q plot and Manhattan if you set plot.qq = TRUE and plot.Manhattan = TRUE. ``` You can perform SNP-set GWAS with sliding window by setting `window.slide = 1`. You can perform SNP-set GWAS with sliding window by setting `window.slide = 1`. And you can also perform gene-set (or haplotype-block based) GWAS by assigning the following data set to `gene.set` argument. (You can check the example also by `See(Rice_haplo_block)` in R.) ex.) | gene (or haplotype block) | marker | | :-----: | :------:| | haploblock_1 | id1005261 | | haploblock_1 | id1005263 | | haploblock_2 | id1009557 | | haploblock_2 | id1009616 | | haploblock_3 | id1020154 | | ... | ... | ``` {r, include=TRUE, message=FALSE} ### Perform haplotype-block based GWAS (by using hapltype blocks estimated by PLINK, first 400 SNPs) haplo_block.res <- RGWAS.multisnp(pheno = pheno.GWAS, geno = geno.GWAS[1:400, ], ZETA = ZETA, plot.qq = FALSE, plot.Manhattan = FALSE, count = FALSE, n.PC = 4, test.method = "LR", kernel.method = "linear", gene.set = Rice_haplo_block, skip.check = TRUE, test.effect = "additive") See(haplo_block.res$D) ### Column 4 contains -log10(p) values for markers ``` ``` {r, echo=FALSE} qq(haplo_block.res$D[, 4]) manhattan(haplo_block.res$D) ### Automatically draw Q-Q plot and Manhattan if you set plot.qq = TRUE and plot.Manhattan = TRUE. ``` There is no significant block for this dataset because the number of markers and blocks is too small for this dataset. However, when whole-genome sequencing data is available, the impact of using SNP-set/gene-set/haplotype-block methods becomes larger and we strongly recommend you use these methods. Please see Hamazaki and Iwata (2020, PLOS Comp Biol) for more details of the features of these methods. ### Help If you have some help before performing `GWAS` with `RAINBOWR`, please see the help for each function by `?function_name`. ## References Kennedy, B.W., Quinton, M. and van Arendonk, J.A. (1992) Estimation of effects of single genes on quantitative traits. J Anim Sci. 70(7): 2000-2012. Storey, J.D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003) Statistical significance for genomewide studies. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 100(16): 9440-9445. Yu, J. et al. (2006) A unified mixed-model method for association mapping that accounts for multiple levels of relatedness. Nat Genet. 38(2): 203-208. Kang, H.M. et al. (2008) Efficient Control of Population Structure in Model Organism Association Mapping. Genetics. 178(3): 1709-1723. Kang, H.M. et al. (2010) Variance component model to account for sample structure in genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 348-354. Zhang, Z. et al. (2010) Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 355-360. Endelman, J.B. (2011) Ridge Regression and Other Kernels for Genomic Selection with R Package rrBLUP. Plant Genome J. 4(3): 250. Endelman, J.B. and Jannink, J.L. (2012) Shrinkage Estimation of the Realized Relationship Matrix. G3 Genes, Genomes, Genet. 2(11): 1405-1413. Su, G. et al. (2012) Estimating Additive and Non-Additive Genetic Variances and Predicting Genetic Merits Using Genome-Wide Dense Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers. PLoS One. 7(9): 1-7. Zhou, X. and Stephens, M. (2012) Genome-wide efficient mixed-model analysis for association studies. Nat Genet. 44(7): 821-824. Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test for genetic markers that handles confounders. 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