CHANGES IN PhViD 1.02 o fixed the PRR function. There was an error in the formula used for the PRR The formula for the variance has also been modified. It is not the one proposed in an Puijenbroek et al. (2002). var[log(PRR)] = 1/n11 - 1/(n11 + n10) + 1/n01 - 1/(n01 + n00) CHANGES IN PhViD 1.03 o typo in PhViD.gui: notifications -> reports o typo in GPS help file (thanks to Brock Stewart) log(lambda,2) o dealing with encodage issues. All files are encoded in UTF-8 CHANGES IN PhViD 1.04 o compression of the data folder for the compilation : R CMD build --resave-data PhViD CHANGES IN PhViD 1.06 o I removed the graphical interface as it generated too many warnings during the package building... CHANGES IN PhViD 1.07 o RAS CHANGES IN PhViD 1.08 o Correction of a mistake in the marginal likelihood of GPS (in case of TRONC = T) thanks to John Ihrie