This repository hosts the R package that implements the
method described in the paper: Assumption-lean and
data-adaptive post-prediction inference.
provides valid and powerful inference based on
ML predictions for parameters defined through estimation equations.
# install.packages("devtools")
Here are examples of POP-Inf for M-estimation tasks including: mean
estimation, linear regression, logistic regression, and Poisson
regrssion. The main function is pop_M()
, where the argument
indicates which task to do.
# Load the package
# Load the simulated data
data <- sim_data()
X_lab = data$X_lab ## Covariates in the labeled data
X_unlab = data$X_unlab ## Covariates in the unlabeled data
Y_lab = data$Y_lab ## Observed outcome in the labeled data
Yhat_lab = data$Yhat_lab ## Predicted outcome in the labeled data
Yhat_unlab = data$Yhat_unlab ## Predicted outcome in the unlabeled data
# Run POP-Inf mean estimation
fit_mean <- pop_M(Y_lab = Y_lab, Yhat_lab = Yhat_lab, Yhat_unlab = Yhat_unlab,
alpha = 0.05, method = "mean")
# Estimate Std.Error Lower.CI Upper.CI P.value Weight
# 1 1.623601 0.05514429 1.51552 1.731682 1.557956e-190 0.9226747
# Run POP-Inf linear regression
fit_ols <- pop_M(X_lab = X_lab, X_unlab = X_unlab,
Y_lab = Y_lab, Yhat_lab = Yhat_lab, Yhat_unlab = Yhat_unlab,
alpha = 0.05, method = "ols")
# Estimate Std.Error Lower.CI Upper.CI P.value Weight
# 1.6181357 0.05351775 1.5132429 1.723029 8.093485e-201 0.8811378
# X1 0.8716172 0.07335443 0.7278452 1.015389 1.463365e-32 1.0000000
# Load the simulated data
data <- sim_data(binary = T)
X_lab = data$X_lab
X_unlab = data$X_unlab
Y_lab = data$Y_lab
Yhat_lab = data$Yhat_lab
Yhat_unlab = data$Yhat_unlab
# Run POP-Inf logistic regression
fit_logistic <- pop_M(X_lab = X_lab, X_unlab = X_unlab,
Y_lab = Y_lab, Yhat_lab = Yhat_lab, Yhat_unlab = Yhat_unlab,
alpha = 0.05, method = "logistic")
# Estimate Std.Error Lower.CI Upper.CI P.value Weight
# -0.1355928 0.08443198 -0.3010764 0.02989085 1.082868e-01 0.4218688
# X1 0.5876862 0.08938035 0.4125039 0.76286842 4.861518e-11 0.5340878
# Load the simulated data
data <- sim_data()
X_lab = data$X_lab
X_unlab = data$X_unlab
Y_lab = round(data$Y_lab - min(data$Y_lab))
Yhat_lab = round(data$Yhat_lab - min(data$Yhat_lab))
Yhat_unlab = round(data$Yhat_unlab - min(Yhat_unlab))
# Run POP-Inf Poisson regression
fit_poisson <- pop_M(X_lab = X_lab, X_unlab = X_unlab,
Y_lab = Y_lab, Yhat_lab = Yhat_lab, Yhat_unlab = Yhat_unlab,
alpha = 0.05, method = "poisson")
# Estimate Std.Error Lower.CI Upper.CI P.value Weight
# 1.2227700 0.01730779 1.1888473 1.2566926 0.000000e+00 0.8460699
# X1 0.2568325 0.02437762 0.2090532 0.3046118 5.921326e-26 0.9171068
We provide the script for analysis in the POP-Inf
Please submit an issue or contact Jiacheng (jiacheng.miao@wisc.edu) or Xinran (xinran.miao@wisc.edu) for questions.
Assumption-lean and Data-adaptive Post-Prediction Inference
Valid inference for machine learning-assisted GWAS
, where statistical and computational methods
are optimized for GWAS applications.