MendelianRandomization v0.10.0 ============================== Removed extract.pheno.csv command and PhenoScanner example data. Added conditional likelihood ratio method and other weak instrument robust identification tests (mr_clr) - thanks to Sheng Wang for coding! Changed default threshold for PCs in mr_pcgmm and mr_mvpcgmm from 0.999 to 0.99. Added multivariable IVW with measurement error method (mr_mvivwme) - thanks to Andrew Grant and Ville Karhunen for coding! MendelianRandomization v0.9.0 ============================= Added multivariable generalized method of moments (GMM) method (mr_mvgmm) - thanks to Ashish Patel for coding! Added principal component genalized method of moments (PC-GMM) methods: mr_pcgmm for univariable and mr_mvpcgmm for multivariable - thanks to Ashish Patel for coding! Also added estimation of F statistics and conditional F statistics to the mr_ivw and mr_mvivw functions - thanks again to Ashish Patel for coding! MendelianRandomization v0.8.0 ============================= Added multivariable constrained maximum likelihood method (mr_mvcML) - thanks to Zhaotong Lin for coding! Added penalized IVW method (mr_pivw) - thanks to Siqi Xu for coding! MendelianRandomization v0.7.0 ============================= Added constrained maximum likelihood method (mr_cML) - thanks to Haoran Xue for coding! MendelianRandomization v0.6.0 ============================= Added debiased IVW method (mr_divw) - thanks to Ting Ye for coding! MendelianRandomization v0.5.0 ============================= Added multivariable median-based method (mr_mvmedian) Added MR-Lasso method (mr_lasso) Added multivariable MR-Lasso method (mr_mvlasso) Added robust option to multivariable IVW method (mr_mvivw) Added forest plot function (mr_forest) Added leave-one-out function (mr_loo) Added funnel plot function (mr_funnel) Added functionality for the mr_plot function to be applied to a MRMVInput object MendelianRandomization v0.4.3 ============================= Updated Phenoscanner function in case of web failure MendelianRandomization v0.4.1 and v0.4.2 ============================= Bug fixes MendelianRandomization v0.4.0 ============================= Added multivariable MR-Egger method (mr_mvegger) Added contamination mixture method (mr_conmix) Added seamless integration with PhenoScanner via the pheno_input function MendelianRandomization v0.3.0 ============================= Added mr_mvinput and mr_mvivw for multivariable Mendelian randomization Added mode-based estimation method of Hartwig et al (mr_mbe) and heterogeneity-penalized mode-based method (mr_hetpen) MendelianRandomization v0.2.2 ============================= Penalization of weights altered to correspond to Rees et al 2017 (submitted): penalization is now about the median estimate, only variants with heterogeneity p-value less than 0.01 are penalized. MendelianRandomization v0.2.1 ============================= Minor fix on extract.pheno.csv function that was making SNPs out of order. Minor fix on p-values from mr_ivw and mr_egger functions. MendelianRandomization v0.2.0 ============================= New functionality on mr_plot command: static graph (new options "interactive" and "labels"). New command mr_maxlik: implements maximum-likelihood estimation method. Bug fixes on mr_allmethods command. MendelianRandomization v0.1.0 ============================= First release.