2017-08-05 Bjoern Bornkamp * Minor change to comply with CRAN policies: Removed unescaped accents in CITATION file. 2014-11-26 Bjoern Bornkamp * Minor change to comply with CRAN policies: Removed GPL-3 licence in the source distribution, it is referred to in the DESCRIPTION file anyway. 2010-07-08 Bjoern Bornkamp * Changed mvtnorm.control default argument for "interval" to reflect recent changes in mvtnorm package. * Reduced size of test file to reduce check time. * Excluded Sweave file and included pre-compiled vignette pdf to reduce computing on CRAN. * All further development of MCPMod software is now in the DoseFinding package. 2010-02-09 Bjoern Bornkamp * Adapted control argument to have class GenzBretz to reflect changes in mvtnorm package. * Removed some example code using \dontrun{} to reduce check time. 2009-10-05 Bjoern Bornkamp * Code now checks the 'models' argument whether there are multiple list entries for a model class (in functions modelMeans and fullMod) and stops if this is the case (only one list entry allowed per model class). * Removed problem in powerMM function when only one model is in the candidate set (added a drop = FALSE). 2009-09-17 Bjoern Bornkamp * Removed superfluous line of code in guesst function (for exponential model) (thanks to Misha Salganik) * For two-sided testing use max |T_m| as test statistic, before by mistake max T_m was used also in two-sided case (thanks to Daniel Gerhard) 2009-04-27 Bjoern Bornkamp * Minor changes in getInitBeta function (replaced "names(m)" directly with "dose"), due to changes in R the old version did not run anymore. 2009-03-04 Bjoern Bornkamp * Corrected typo in the getGrad function (gradient of sigEmax model). 2009-02-11 Bjoern Bornkamp * Minor changes in documentation and inclusion of vignette. 2009-02-02 Bjoern Bornkamp * Minor changes in documentation to comply with new Rd parser. 2008-12-18 Bjoern Bornkamp * Removed superfluous control argument for getInit function * Added a note in the documentation of MCPMod function regarding the returned nls objects. * Corrected getGrad function (gradient of exponential, sigEmax and betaMod model). 2008-11-17 Bjoern Bornkamp * Synchronized defaults for off parameter in fullMod (0.1*max(doses) instead of 1). * getPars: Removed bug with a negative maximum effect for quadratic model. 2008-07-11 Bjoern Bornkamp * Edited getTstat and fitModel function to allow for dose-groups with only 1 patient (replace NA in estimate of group variance with 0). * Removed clinRel line from output of summary.MCPMod, when doseEst = "ED". 2008-05-06 Bjoern Bornkamp * Include José's comments for output of MCPMod and sampSize (include name of dose estimator and summary function) * guesst: Removed bug in the check of 0 < p <= 1. (Bracket closed to early.) 2008-04-22 Bjoern Bornkamp * Excluded some examples from checking to reduce check time.