## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # #official install from CRAN # install.packages("IPEDSuploadables") # # #development install from the github repo # #use this if you want to pull in changes before they reach cran or need to use other code branches # # #development install option 1 # remotes::install_github("AlisonLanski/IPEDSuploadables") # # #development install option 2 # devtools::install_github("AlisonLanski/IPEDSuploadables") ## ----load, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- #load the packages library(IPEDSuploadables) ## ----dummy_data, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------- #dataframe of student information for 12 month enrollment head(e1d_students) ## ----produce_report, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # #full export using sample data # produce_e1d_report(df = e1d_students, hrs = e1d_instr, part = "ALL") ## ----gender_example, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # #able to report undergraduate "another gender" but NOT able to report graduate "another gender" # produce_com_report(df = com_students, extracips = com_cips, ggender = FALSE) ## ----produce_subreport, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------ # #if you only want to look at 12 month enrollment part B # produce_e1d_report(e1d_instr, part = "B") ## ----produce_prettyfile, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------- # #text files make my eyes bleed! let's use a csv # produce_e1d_report(hrs = e1d_instr, part = "B", format = "readable") ## ----branch, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # #install, picking an acceptable year range # devtools::install_github(repo = "AlisonLanski/IPEDSuploadables", ref = "reporting_year_2022-2023")