## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width=6, fig.height=4 ) # Legge denne i YAML på toppen for å skrive ut til tex #output: # pdf_document: # keep_tex: true # Original: # rmarkdown::html_vignette: # toc: true ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start the mixlm R package library(mixlm, warn.conflicts = FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(123) dat <- data.frame( feed = factor(rep(rep(c("low","high"), each=6), 4)), breed = factor(rep(c("NRF","Hereford","Angus"), 16)), bull = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:4], each = 12)), daughter = factor(c(rep(letters[1:4], 3), rep(letters[5:8], 3), rep(letters[9:12], 3), rep(letters[13:16], 3))), age = round(rnorm(48, mean = 36, sd = 5)) ) dat$yield <- 150*with(dat, 10 + 3 * as.numeric(feed) + as.numeric(breed) + 2 * as.numeric(bull) + 1 * as.numeric(sample(dat$daughter, 48)) + 0.5 * age + rnorm(48, sd = 2)) head(dat) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ feed, data = dat) print(anova(mod)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary(mod) ## ----fig.width=6, fig.height=5------------------------------------------------ old.par <- par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(4,4,2,0.5)) plot(mod, which = 1:2, ask=FALSE) par(old.par) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ feed*breed, data = dat) print(anova(mod)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ feed+breed, data = dat) print(anova(mod)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Type I - Sequential testing, including one and one effect print(anova(mod)) # Type II - Testing each term after all others, # except ignoring the term's higher-order relatives print(Anova(mod, type="II")) # Type III - Testing each term after all others, # including the term's higher-order relatives print(Anova(mod, type="III")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sum-coding, i.e., the sum of all levels is zero and all effects # are orthogonal in the balanced case. mod <- lm(yield ~ feed*breed, data = dat, contrasts="contr.sum") print(Anova(mod, type="III")) # Weighted coding, i.e., the sum of all levels is zero and the effects # are weighted by the number of levels, effect-wise. mod <- lm(yield ~ feed*breed, data = dat, contrasts="contr.weighted") print(Anova(mod, type="III")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ feed*breed + age, data = dat) print(Anova(mod, type="II")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ bull + daughter%in%bull, data = dat) print(Anova(mod, type="II")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ feed*r(bull), data = dat) print(Anova(mod, type="II")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ feed*r(bull), data = dat, unrestricted = FALSE) print(Anova(mod, type="II")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(123) long <- dat[c(1:4,9:12), c("feed", "daughter", "yield")] long <- rbind(long, long, long) long$daughter <- factor(long$daughter) # Remove redundant daughter long$time <- factor(rep(1:3, each=8)) long$yield <- long$yield + rnorm(24, sd = 100) + rep(c(-200,0,200), each=8) plot(yield~daughter, data=long) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ r(daughter) + feed*r(time), data = long, unrestricted=FALSE) print(Anova(mod, type="II")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(yield ~ feed*r(bull), data = dat, REML = TRUE) print(Anova(mod, type="III")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print(mod) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dat$mastitis <- as.numeric(dat$breed) + as.numeric(dat$feed) + rnorm(48, sd = 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mod <- lm(cbind(yield,mastitis) ~ feed*breed, data = dat) print(Anova(mod, type="II")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print(Anova(mod, type="II", test="Wilks")) print(Anova(mod, type="II", test="Hotelling-Lawley")) print(Anova(mod, type="II", test="Roy")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary(mod)