version * Faster implementation of complete_randomization_with_forced_balanced, imbalanced_complete_randomization, and imbalanced_block_designs via std::shuffle * We now comply with CRAN policy to not change the user's graphical parameters version 1.5.6 * Method that calculates asymmetric cost allocation * Greedy Pair Switching algorithm that supports unequal number of treatments and controls * Imbalanced (unequal allocation) Completely Random Designs * Imbalanced (unequal allocation) Block Designs version 1.5.5 * Speedier implementation of binary pairwise matching designs using Java and Hash functions to check uniqueness version 1.5 * Greedy Design on Multiple Kernels simultaneously * You can pass distance matrices to binary match design initialization * You can create binary match designs based on Mahalanobis distances between units using a flag in the design initialization version 1.4 * Binary match followed by greedy within-the-binary-pairs search / rerandomization version 1.35 * Curation of designs based on minimizing orthogonality as measured by average absolute correlation between each pair of vectors * Hadamard matrix experimental designs version 1.31 * Various speedups and bug fixes. version 1.3 * Gurobi now works with Kernel distances. version 1.21 * Fixed small bug, deleted vignette which was causing compilation issues. version 1.2 * Gurobi setup for allocation searches via numerical optimization. version 1.1 * Updated package to conform to CRAN's new policies. version 1.0 * Initial Release