## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- htmltables <- TRUE if (htmltables) { source("GaussKable.R") source("KableMagnitudeTable.R") P <- function(...) G(timevar = "geo", ...) M <- function(...) KableMagnitudeTable(..., numVar = "value", timevar = "geo", singletonMethod = "none") } else { P <- function(...) cat("Formatted table not avalable") M <- P } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(GaussSuppression) dataset <- SSBtoolsData("magnitude1") dataset ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- M(caption = '**Table 1**: Input data with the 20 contributions.', dataset, formula = ~sector4:geo-1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), maxN=1) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- P(caption = '**Table 2**: Output from `SuppressFewContributors` with `maxN = 1` (number of contributors in parenthesis)', data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), maxN = 1, fun = SuppressFewContributors, print_expr = 'paste0(value, " (",nAll ,") ")') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), n = 1, k = 80, allDominance = TRUE) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- P(caption = '**Table 3**: Output from `SuppressDominantCells`
with `n = 1` and `k = 80`
(percentage from largest contribution in parenthesis)', data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), n=1, k=80, allDominance = TRUE, fun = SuppressDominantCells, print_expr = 'paste0(value, " (",round(100*`primary.1:80`) ,"%) ")') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "sector2", "geo", "eu"), n = 1:2, k = c(80, 99)) head(output) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- P(caption = '**Table 4**: Output from `SuppressDominantCells`
with `n = 1:2` and `k = c(80, 99)`', data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "sector2", "geo", "eu"), n = 1:2, k = c(80, 99), fun = SuppressDominantCells, print_expr = 'value') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dimlists <- SSBtools::FindDimLists(dataset[c("sector4", "sector2", "geo", "eu")]) dimlists ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = "value", hierarchies = dimlists, n = 1:2, k = c(80, 99)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output <- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, numVar = "value", formula = ~sector2*geo + sector4*eu, maxN=2, removeEmpty = FALSE) head(output) tail(output) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- P(caption = '**Table 5**: Output from `SuppressFewContributors` with `maxN = 2`
(number of contributors in parenthesis)', data=dataset, numVar = "value", formula = ~sector2*geo + sector4*eu, maxN=2, removeEmpty = FALSE, fun = SuppressFewContributors, print_expr = 'paste0(value, " (",nAll ,") ")') ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- M(caption = '**Table 6**: The "value" data aggregated according to hierarchy and contributor', dataset, dimVar = c("sector4", "sector2", "geo", "eu"), contributorVar = "company") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output <- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar = c("sector4", "sector2", "geo", "eu"), maxN=2, contributorVar = "company") head(output) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- P(caption = '**Table 7**: Output from `SuppressFewContributors` with `maxN = 2` and with `contributorVar = "company"` (number contributors in parenthesis)', data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar = c("sector4", "sector2", "geo", "eu"), maxN=2, contributorVar = "company", fun = SuppressFewContributors, print_expr = 'paste0(value, " (",nAll ,") ")') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = "value", formula = ~sector2*geo + sector4*eu, contributorVar = "company", n = 1:2, k = c(80, 99)) head(output) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- P(caption = '**Table 8**: Output from `SuppressDominantCells` with `n = 1:2` and
`k = c(80, 99)` and with `contributorVar = "company"`', data=dataset, numVar = "value", formula = ~sector2*geo + sector4*eu, contributorVar = "company", n = 1:2, k = c(80, 99), fun = SuppressDominantCells, print_expr = 'value') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = "value", formula = ~sector4*geo + sector2*eu, contributorVar = "company", n = 1:2, k = c(80, 99)) head(output) ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- P(caption = '**Table 9**: Output from `SuppressDominantCells` with `n = 1:2` and `k = c(80, 99)` and with `contributorVar = "company"`', data=dataset, numVar = "value", formula = ~sector4*geo + sector2*eu, contributorVar = "company", n = 1:2, k = c(80, 99), fun = SuppressDominantCells, print_expr = 'value')