## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, python.reticulate = FALSE ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # calculateCounts = function(data=c(), parameters=c()) { # # data: 3 column matrix with acc data # # parameters: the sample rate of data # library("activityCounts") # if (ncol(data) == 4) data= data[,2:4] # mycounts = counts(data=data, hertz=parameters, # x_axis=1, y_axis=2, z_axis=3, # start_time = Sys.time()) # mycounts = mycounts[,2:4] #Note: do not provide timestamps to GGIR # return(mycounts) # } ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # source("~/calculateCounts.R") # myfun = list(FUN=calculateCounts, # parameters= 30, # expected_sample_rate= 30, # expected_unit="g", # colnames = c("countsX","countsY","countsZ"), # outputres = 1, # minlength = 1, # outputtype="numeric", # aggfunction = sum, # timestamp=F, # reporttype="scalar") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library(GGIR) # GGIR(datadir="~/myaccelerometerdata", # outputdir="~/myresults", # mode=1:2, # epochvalues2csv = TRUE, # do.report=2, # myfun=myfun) #<= this is where object myfun is provided to GGIR ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # dominant_frequency = function(data=c(), parameters=c()) { # # data: 3 column matrix with acc data # # parameters: the sample rate of data # source_python("dominant_frequency.py") # sf=parameters # N = nrow(data) # ws = 5 # windowsize # if (ncol(data) == 4) data= data[,2:4] # data = data.frame(t= floor(seq(0,(N-1)/sf,by=1/sf)/ws), # x=data[,1], y=data[,2], z=data[,3]) # df = aggregate(data, by = list(data$t), # FUN=function(x) {return(dominant_frequency(x,sf))}) # df = df[,-c(1:2)] # return(df) # } # } ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library("reticulate") # use_virtualenv("~/myvenv", required = TRUE) # Local Python environment # py_install("numpy", pip = TRUE) # ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # source("~/dominant_frequency.R") # myfun = list(FUN=dominant_frequency, # parameters= 30, # expected_sample_rate= 30, # expected_unit="g", # colnames = c("domfreqX", "domfreqY", "domfreqZ"), # minlength = 5, # outputres = 5, # outputtype="numeric", # aggfunction = median # timestamp=F, # reporttype="scalar") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library(GGIR) # GGIR(datadir="~/myaccelerometerdata", # outputdir="~/myresults", # mode=1:2, # epochvalues2csv = TRUE, # do.report=2, # myfun=myfun, # do.parallel = FALSE)