#####                                                                      #####
#####                         CHANGELOG                                    #####
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0.2: Stable release version that contains previous updates from versions 0.1.*

0.1.*: UPDATES
ß* 88: testthat function for fluidigmAnalysisWrapper added
* 87: Bugfix in fluidigmAnalysisWrapper that crashed the function call
* 86: More verbose output added for verbosity>1
* 85: Fixed the wrapper function and added missing options from individual function calls
* 84: similarityMatrix tests added
* 83: Verbosity issues in getPairwiseSimilarityLoci fixed
* 82: Adjustment for better consistency in finding package installation path
* 81: Tests for calculatePairwiseSimilarities added
* 80: Better examples added to estiamteErrors function
* 79: estimateErrors has now a outdir option to define the output folder as well
* 78: Added tests for fluidigm2PLINK
* 77: Added a FAQ section to the vignette to address the most common problems the package might cause
* 76: Updated fluidigm2PLINK help to provide more details on harmonising marker names mismach issues
* 75: New option 'outdir' in fluidigm2PLINK function
* 74: Example dataset added
* 73: Notes in DESCRIPTION file adjusted
* 72: Package description added to the manual
* 71: Help, function and vignette for similarityMatrix adjusted
* 70: Vignette chapter about getPairwiseSimilarityLoci added
* 69: Additional and more detailed input checks for getPairwiseSimilarityLoci added
* 68: Help file description for getPairwiseSimilarityLoci adjusted
* 67: Vignette chapter about calculatePairwiseSimilarities added
* 66: Additional and more detailed input checks for calculatePairwiseSimilarities added
* 65: Help file description for calculatePairwiseSimilarities adjusted
* 64: Vignette updated for replicates and negative controls
* 63: Bugfix: estimateErrors concidered sp.markers only when sexing was performed, they act no independent
* 62: Changed sexing=FALSE as new default in estimateErrors()
* 61: Added more careful input checks to estimateErrors
* 60: Updated the function description for estimateErrors
* 59: Harmonised the output from 'cat' and 'print' to 'message' in fluidigm2PLINK
* 58: Bugfix: The out option in fluidigm2PLINK was not working properly
* 57: Option overwrite added to fluidigm2PLINK function
* 56: Vignette part of fluidigm2PLINK added
* 55: Details in Rd file for fluidigm2PLINk added
* 54: More input checks for fluidigm2PLINK
* 53: Input checks added to calculatePairwiseSimilarities.R
* 52: More details to calculatePairwiseSimilarities.R added
* 51: Added manual skeletons for Details and Examples
* 50: Added the vignette skeleton
* 49: Added co-authors and contributers
* 48: Missing function parameters added to the documentation
* 47: Adding verbosity option for more detailed function feedback (split from verbose logical/numerical mix)
* 46: Placed importFrom under usethis control ( usethis::use_import_from("grDevices", "png") )
* 45: Added sexing option tocalculatePairwiseSimilarities() function  (=run PLINK with --allow-no-sex option)
* 44: Adjusted the fluidigmAnalysisWrapper function so that it works again
* 43: Added more input checks to fluidigm2PLINK() function
* 42: Added option sexing=TRUE to estimateErrors() function
* 41: Added option fixNames=TRUE to fluidigm2PLINK() function