## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) options( rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE ) library(FinNet) library(markdown) ## ----workflow_1, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------- # Check if `yahoofinancer` is installed isTRUE(requireNamespace('yahoofinancer', quietly = TRUE)) # Create a list of the desired firms data('firms_US') ## ----clean, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE----------------------------------------- firms <- firms_US rm(firms_US) ## ----workflow_3, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------- # Identify common-ownership relations in a firm-firm matrix FF <- FF.norm.ownership(firms) ## ----workflow_4, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------- # Create a simple-looking graph net <- FF.net(FF, aesthetic = 'simple') ## ----checks, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- # The order of the graph equals the number of rows in the FF matrix network.size(net) == nrow(FF) # The names of its vertex match the row names of the FF matrix vertex.names(net) == rownames(FF) # Plot it plot_network(net, displaylabels = TRUE, vertex.cex = 3, edge.lwd = 6) ## ----workflow_5, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------- # Load dataset data('firms_BKB') # Identify common-ownership relations in a firm-firm matrix FF <- FF(firms_BKB, who = 'own', ties = 'naive', Matrix = TRUE) # Create a nice-looking graph net <- FF.net(FF, aesthetic = 'nice') # Plot it plot_network(net, displaylabels = FALSE, edge.col = 'darkgray', vertex.cex = 3, edge.lwd = 1)