2023-08-22 * DistributionUtile-package.Rd altered to delete table giving package details, following a request from Kurt Hornik, since there was a mismatch between the specified package version and the actual package version. 2018-11-27 * momIntegrated checks at start changed to eliminate is.function check which caused failures of examples * DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE changed to appease CRAN 2014-10-05 * distIneqMassart example and test changed to \dontrun and level 2 testing because of timing requirements of CRAN * DESCRIPTION changed to make RUnit Suggests instead of Depends 2012-01-17 * incompleteBesselK, incompleteBesselKR changed to have default nmax = 200, because incompleteBesselK failed otherwise for x = 0.5, y = 0.5, lambda = -1 2012-01-05 * distIneqMassartPlot labels changed * pDist, qDist corrected and many minor changes made to documentation 2011-12-15 * runit.sampleMoments.R changed to use a fixed seed to avoid occasional errors in skewness and kurtosis tests * moranTest added, but needs a change to produce object of class htest 2010-12-22 * distCalcRange, distStepSize, distMode, integrateDens added * distIneqMassart, distIneqMassartPlot added 2010-08-31 David Scott * runit.incompleteBesselK.R written and checked * incompleteBesselK using call to fortran routine added. Old R version of IBF changed to incompleteBesselKR 2010-08-06 * incompleteBesselK added 2010-07-28 * specification of files for graphics units tests fixed * minor changes to Makefile to get it to clean backups from major directories 2010-05-11 * tsHessian added to calculate the approximate Hessian of a function 2010-03-10 * tailPlot, normTailPlotLine, tTailPlotLine, gammaTailPlotLine added to allow shtTailPlotLine to be added to SkewHyperbolic to satisfy referee request. 2010-02-09 * added testing of distributions, unit tests for all functions. Initial version of DistributionUtils prepared. 2010-01-22 * inst created with test setup derived from that in gdata and Rmetrics packages. Some enhancements to allow for different levels of testing.