# BOSO 1.0.4 Update code to ggplot2 new input arguments in 'theme' function. # BOSO 0.1.0 First release. # BOSO 0.0.9017 Changes in the vignette. # BOSO 0.0.9016 Rename variables and genereate Vignette. # BOSO 0.0.9015 Changes in the docummentatio and prepare package for GIT. # BOSO 0.0.9014 Add the threshold as an input, due to the increase in computation time and fix documentation. # BOSO 0.0.9013 Change the threshold for BIC cutoff in block strategy. # BOSO 0.0.9011 stardardize using X and Xval. # BOSO 0.0.9010 Change the way to deal with standarization and deal with coef. # BOSO 0.0.9009 Change the way to calculate the elapsed time: more speed. # BOSO 0.0.9008 bugs in k for loops, a set minimum of 1 was required if no intercept. That is incorrect. # BOSO 0.0.9007 bugs in BIC calculation. Set BIC for blocks. # BOSO 0.0.9006 change the lambda range values, use the lambda_max from ridge and lambda_min from lasso. This increase the range of values. In addition change the threshold for TH_metric, from 1e-2 to 5e-3 # BOSO 0.0.9005 typos. # BOSO 0.0.9004 include warm start and cold start. # BOSO 0.0.9003 First operative version.