AlleleShift versions The suggested citation of the package is: Kindt R. 2021. AlleleShift: an R package to predict and visualize population- level changes in allele frequencies in response to climate change. PeerJ 9:e11534 Version 1.1-2 (October 2023) * Uploaded a new versions, as AlleleShift was archived because of a ongoing update in BiodiversityR * Included a reference to Brauer et al. 2023, Natural hybridization reduces vulnerability to climate change as example of application. Version 1.1 (September 2022) * Changed author email from previous domain (as a new CIFOR-ICRAF domain will be created) Version 1-0-2 (August 2021) * Updated information on citation to the published article in PeerJ * Updated the documentation of the function to a Rpub that shows how a STAMEN baseline map can be used to produce high resolution images via the ggmap package. Kindt R. 2021. Plotting smoothed surface diagrams of allele frequencies obtained from AlleleShift on a baseline map via ggmap. Version 1.0-1 (25 March 2021) * Modified functions '' and 'shift.pie.ggplot()' to be able to handle data sets where all allele frequencies change in the same direction. * New function 'environmental.novel()' to identify populations with more extreme environmental values under climate change. Version 0.9-1 (29 January 2021) * Moved 'amova.rda()' examples to 'dontrun' (example runs fine on a local machine). Version 0.9 (January 2021) * Package developed and submitted to CRAN