CRAN Package Check Results for Maintainer ‘Daniel D. Sjoberg <danield.sjoberg at>’

Last updated on 2024-07-24 12:21:19 CEST.

cards 1 12
cardx 13
dcurves 13
ggsurvfit 13
gtsummary 6 7
rstudio.prefs 13
starter 8 5
tidycmprsk 1 12
updater 13

Package cards

Current CRAN status: NOTE: 1, OK: 12

Version: 0.1.0
Check: Rd cross-references
Result: NOTE Found the following Rd file(s) with Rd \link{} targets missing package anchors: ard_stack.Rd: dyn-dots bind_ard.Rd: dyn-dots eval_capture_conditions.Rd: eval_tidy get_ard_statistics.Rd: dyn-dots print.card.Rd: dyn-dots process_selectors.Rd: dyn-dots Please provide package anchors for all Rd \link{} targets not in the package itself and the base packages. Flavor: r-devel-windows-x86_64

Package cardx

Current CRAN status: OK: 13

Package dcurves

Current CRAN status: OK: 13

Package ggsurvfit

Current CRAN status: OK: 13

Package gtsummary

Current CRAN status: ERROR: 6, OK: 7

Version: 1.7.2
Check: Rd files
Result: NOTE checkRd: (-1) as_flex_table.Rd:24: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 24 | A {flextable} object | ^ checkRd: (-1) as_hux_table.Rd:37: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 37 | A {huxtable} object | ^ checkRd: (-1) as_kable_extra.Rd:42: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 42 | and {kableExtra}; \code{as_kable_extra()} supports arguments in \code{knitr::kable()}. | ^ checkRd: (-1) as_kable_extra.Rd:37: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 37 | A {kableExtra} table | ^ checkRd: (-1) select_helpers.Rd:53: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 53 | Set of functions to supplement the {tidyselect} set of | ^ checkRd: (-1) tbl_summary.Rd:91: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 91 | from the \\{tidyselect\\} package and \\{gtsummary\\} package are available to | ^ checkRd: (-1) tbl_summary.Rd:91: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 91 | from the \\{tidyselect\\} package and \\{gtsummary\\} package are available to | ^ checkRd: (-1) tbl_svysummary.Rd:183: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 183 | from the \\{tidyselect\\} package and \\{gtsummary\\} package are available to | ^ checkRd: (-1) tbl_svysummary.Rd:183: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup? 183 | from the \\{tidyselect\\} package and \\{gtsummary\\} package are available to | ^ Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-windows-x86_64, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-windows-x86_64

Version: 1.7.2
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: ERROR Error(s) in re-building vignettes: ... --- re-building ‘gallery.Rmd’ using rmarkdown --- finished re-building ‘gallery.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘gtsummary_definition.Rmd’ using rmarkdown Quitting from lines 312-331 [unnamed-chunk-12] (gtsummary_definition.Rmd) Error: processing vignette 'gtsummary_definition.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: The package "katex" (>= 1.4.1) is required to render equations in HTML tables. --- failed re-building ‘gtsummary_definition.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘inline_text.Rmd’ using rmarkdown --- finished re-building ‘inline_text.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘rmarkdown.Rmd’ using rmarkdown --- finished re-building ‘rmarkdown.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘tbl_regression.Rmd’ using rmarkdown --- finished re-building ‘tbl_regression.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘tbl_summary.Rmd’ using rmarkdown --- finished re-building ‘tbl_summary.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘themes.Rmd’ using rmarkdown --- finished re-building ‘themes.Rmd’ SUMMARY: processing the following file failed: ‘gtsummary_definition.Rmd’ Error: Vignette re-building failed. Execution halted Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64

Version: 1.7.2
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: ERROR Error(s) in re-building vignettes: --- re-building 'gallery.Rmd' using rmarkdown --- finished re-building 'gallery.Rmd' --- re-building 'gtsummary_definition.Rmd' using rmarkdown Quitting from lines 312-331 [unnamed-chunk-12] (gtsummary_definition.Rmd) Error: processing vignette 'gtsummary_definition.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: The package "katex" (>= 1.4.1) is required to render equations in HTML tables. --- failed re-building 'gtsummary_definition.Rmd' --- re-building 'inline_text.Rmd' using rmarkdown --- finished re-building 'inline_text.Rmd' --- re-building 'rmarkdown.Rmd' using rmarkdown --- finished re-building 'rmarkdown.Rmd' --- re-building 'tbl_regression.Rmd' using rmarkdown --- finished re-building 'tbl_regression.Rmd' --- re-building 'tbl_summary.Rmd' using rmarkdown --- finished re-building 'tbl_summary.Rmd' --- re-building 'themes.Rmd' using rmarkdown --- finished re-building 'themes.Rmd' SUMMARY: processing the following file failed: 'gtsummary_definition.Rmd' Error: Vignette re-building failed. Execution halted Flavors: r-devel-windows-x86_64, r-release-windows-x86_64

Package rstudio.prefs

Current CRAN status: OK: 13

Package starter

Current CRAN status: NOTE: 8, OK: 5

Version: 0.1.15
Check: HTML version of manual
Result: NOTE Found the following HTML validation problems: create_symlink.html:55:1 (create_symlink.Rd:17): Warning: trimming empty <dt> Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-windows-x86_64, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-windows-x86_64

Package tidycmprsk

Current CRAN status: ERROR: 1, OK: 12

Version: 1.0.0
Check: tests
Result: ERROR Running ‘spelling.R’ Running ‘testthat.R’ [23s/56s] Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed. Complete output: > library(testthat) > library(tidycmprsk) > > test_check("tidycmprsk") 11 cases omitted due to missing values -- crr() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Call Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ age * Failure type of interest "death from cancer" Variable Coef SE HR 95% CI p-value age 0.006 0.010 1.01 0.99, 1.03 0.55 11 cases omitted due to missing values 11 cases omitted due to missing values 11 cases omitted due to missing values 11 cases omitted due to missing values 11 cases omitted due to missing values x There was an error evaluating the LHS of the formula. -- cuminc() -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Failure type "death from cancer" strata time n.risk estimate std.error 95% CI Drug A 5.00 97 0.000 0.000 NA, NA Drug A 10.0 94 0.020 0.014 0.004, 0.065 Drug A 15.0 83 0.071 0.026 0.031, 0.134 Drug A 20.0 61 0.173 0.039 0.106, 0.255 Drug B 5.00 102 0.000 0.000 NA, NA Drug B 10.0 95 0.039 0.019 0.013, 0.090 Drug B 15.0 75 0.167 0.037 0.102, 0.246 Drug B 20.0 55 0.255 0.043 0.175, 0.343 * Failure type "death other causes" strata time n.risk estimate std.error 95% CI Drug A 5.00 97 0.010 0.010 0.001, 0.050 Drug A 10.0 94 0.020 0.014 0.004, 0.065 Drug A 15.0 83 0.082 0.028 0.038, 0.147 Drug A 20.0 61 0.204 0.041 0.131, 0.289 Drug B 5.00 102 0.000 0.000 NA, NA Drug B 10.0 95 0.029 0.017 0.008, 0.077 Drug B 15.0 75 0.098 0.030 0.050, 0.165 Drug B 20.0 55 0.206 0.040 0.133, 0.289 * Tests outcome statistic df p.value death from cancer 1.99 1.00 0.16 death other causes 0.089 1.00 0.77 Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following object is masked from 'package:testthat': matches The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union [ FAIL 6 | WARN 0 | SKIP 1 | PASS 92 ] ══ Skipped tests (1) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (1): 'test-tbl_cuminc.R:30:3' ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Failure ('test-gtsummary.R:2:3'): gtsummary tables work with crr() output ─── `crr(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ age + trt, trial) %>% gtsummary::tbl_regression()` threw an unexpected error. Message: The package "broom.helpers" (>= 1.15.0) is required. Class: rlib_error_package_not_found/rlang_error/error/condition Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-gtsummary.R:2:3 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...) 3. │ └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...) 4. │ ├─testthat (local) .capture(...) 5. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 6. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo)) 7. ├─crr(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ age + trt, trial) %>% ... 8. └─gtsummary::tbl_regression(.) 9. └─gtsummary:::check_pkg_installed(...) 10. ├─base::suppressWarnings(...) 11. │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 12. └─rlang::check_installed(...) ── Failure ('test-gtsummary.R:7:3'): gtsummary tables work with crr() output ─── ``%>%`(...)` threw an unexpected error. Message: The package "broom.helpers" (>= 1.15.0) is required. Class: rlib_error_package_not_found/rlang_error/error/condition Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-gtsummary.R:7:3 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...) 3. │ └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...) 4. │ ├─testthat (local) .capture(...) 5. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 6. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo)) 7. ├─... %>% gtsummary::tbl_regression() 8. └─gtsummary::tbl_regression(.) 9. └─gtsummary:::check_pkg_installed(...) 10. ├─base::suppressWarnings(...) 11. │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 12. └─rlang::check_installed(...) ── Failure ('test-gtsummary.R:12:3'): gtsummary tables work with crr() output ── `crr(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ age, trial) %>% gtsummary::tbl_regression()` threw an unexpected error. Message: The package "broom.helpers" (>= 1.15.0) is required. Class: rlib_error_package_not_found/rlang_error/error/condition Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-gtsummary.R:12:3 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...) 3. │ └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...) 4. │ ├─testthat (local) .capture(...) 5. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 6. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo)) 7. ├─crr(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ age, trial) %>% gtsummary::tbl_regression() 8. └─gtsummary::tbl_regression(.) 9. └─gtsummary:::check_pkg_installed(...) 10. ├─base::suppressWarnings(...) 11. │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 12. └─rlang::check_installed(...) ── Failure ('test-gtsummary.R:17:3'): gtsummary tables work with crr() output ── `crr(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ trt, trial) %>% gtsummary::tbl_regression()` threw an unexpected error. Message: The package "broom.helpers" (>= 1.15.0) is required. Class: rlib_error_package_not_found/rlang_error/error/condition Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-gtsummary.R:17:3 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...) 3. │ └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...) 4. │ ├─testthat (local) .capture(...) 5. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 6. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo)) 7. ├─crr(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ trt, trial) %>% gtsummary::tbl_regression() 8. └─gtsummary::tbl_regression(.) 9. └─gtsummary:::check_pkg_installed(...) 10. ├─base::suppressWarnings(...) 11. │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 12. └─rlang::check_installed(...) ── Failure ('test-gtsummary.R:29:3'): gtsummary tables work with crr() output ── `... <- NULL` threw an unexpected error. Message: The package "broom.helpers" (>= 1.15.0) is required. Class: rlib_error_package_not_found/rlang_error/error/condition Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-gtsummary.R:29:3 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...) 3. │ └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...) 4. │ ├─testthat (local) .capture(...) 5. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 6. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo)) 7. ├─crr(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ grade, trial_contr) %>% ... 8. └─gtsummary::tbl_regression(.) 9. └─gtsummary:::check_pkg_installed(...) 10. ├─base::suppressWarnings(...) 11. │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 12. └─rlang::check_installed(...) ── Error ('test-gtsummary.R:35:3'): gtsummary tables work with crr() output ──── Error in `eval(code, test_env)`: object 'contr_sum' not found Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_equal(...) at test-gtsummary.R:35:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─base::unique(contr_sum$table_body$contrasts_type) [ FAIL 6 | WARN 0 | SKIP 1 | PASS 92 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Package updater

Current CRAN status: OK: 13