CRAN src/contrib currently contains: acepack-1.0.tar.gz: ace (Alternating Conditional Expectations) and avas (Additivity and Variance Stabilization for regression) for selecting regression transformations. Written by Thomas Lumley , based on avas() for S by Rob Tibshirani and Friedman & Spector's FORTRAN code for ACE, both from statlib. [1997/04/23] [1997/06/25] [1997/07/29] bootstrap.tar.gz: Software (bootstrap, cross-validation, jackknife), data and errata for the book "An Introduction to the Bootstrap" by B. Efron and R. Tibshirani, 1993, Chapman and Hall. S original by Rob Tibshirani . R port by Fritz Leisch . [1997/04/16] ctest.tar.gz: A collection of classical tests, including the Bartlett, Fisher, Kruskal-Wallis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, and Wilcoxon tests. Written by Kurt Hornik . [1997/04/23] date.tar.gz: Functions for dealing with dates. The most useful of them accepts a vector of input dates in any of the forms 8/30/53, 30Aug53, 30 August 1953, ..., August 30 53, or any mixture of these. S original by Terry Therneau . R port by Thomas Lumley . [1997/04/08] e1071-0.1.tar.gz: Miscellaneous functions used at the Department of Statistics at TU Wien (E1071). Compiled by Fritz Leisch . [1997/07/17] fracdiff.tar.gz: Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a fractionally differenced ARIMA(p,d,q) model (Haslett and Raftery, Applied Statistics, 1989). S original by Chris Fraley . R port by Fritz Leisch . [1997/04/08] gee-3.13R1.tar.gz: An implementation of the Liang/Zeger generalized estimating equation approach to GLMs for dependent data. S original by Vincent Carey and Aidan McDermott. R port by Thomas Lumley . [1997/04/14] [1997/07/29] integrate-1.0.tar.gz: S function and supporting C and Fortran code for adaptive quadrature. The underlyling fortran code is purported to work in from 2 to 20 dimensions. S original by Michael Meyer . R port by Thomas Lumley . [1997/07/10] jpn.tar.gz: A function to plot Japan's coast-line and prefecture boundaries. S original by Ritei Shibata . R port by Kurt Hornik . [1997/04/08] leaps-1.0.tar.gz: This package performs an exhaustive search for the best subsets of a given set of potential regressors, using a branch-and-bound algorithm, and also performs searches using a number of less time-consuming techniques. It is designed to replace the "leaps()" command in S. Packaged for R by Thomas Lumley and based on FORTRAN77 code by Alan Miller . [1997/07/10] mlbench-0.1.2.tar.gz: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., the boston housing data from the UCI repository. Written/packaged by Fritz Leisch Original data sets from various sources. [1997/06/27] oz.tar.gz: Functions for plotting Australias coastline and state boundaries. S original by Bill Venables . R port by Kurt Hornik . [1997/04/14] polynom-1.0-2.tar.gz: A collection of functions to implement a class for univariate polynomial manipulations. S original by Bill Venables . Packaged for R by Kurt Hornik and Martin Maechler . [1997/08/20] [1997/08/28] snns.tar.gz: An R interface to the Stuttgart Neural Networks Simulator (SNNS). Written by Fritz Leisch . [1997/04/14] splines-1.0.tar.gz: Regression spline functions. Written by Thomas Lumley , based on the S packages `splines' by Doug Bates and `safe.predict' by John Chambers and Trevor Hastie. [1997/04/23] [1997/07/29] survival-4R0.1.tar.gz: Functions for survival analysis. This ``port'' is not complete yet, because it requires a few changes to the R system itself rather than the add-on package, but most of the functionality is already available. The ratetable and cohort expected survival functions still don't work. Requires the splines package. S original by Terry Therneau . R port by Thomas Lumley . [1997/04/23] [1997/07/29] wavethresh.tar.gz: Code for doing wavelet transforms and thresholding in 1 and 2D. S original by Guy Nason . R port by Arne Kovac . [1997/04/29] xgobi.tar.gz: Interface to the XGobi program for graphical data analysis. Requires the e1071 package. Packaged for R by Kurt Hornik , based on the S code in the XGobi distribution. [1997/04/25]