Kolloquium über anwendungsorientierte Statistik
Universität und ETH Zürich
Seminar für Statistik, ETHZ

Measurement Errors and Updated Covariates in Survival Analysis

Prof. Per Kragh Andersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

20. Jan. 2000, 16.15 - ca. 17.30
Hauptgebäude der Universität, Hörsaal E 18


The effect of measurement errors in covariates in the Cox regression model with time-fixed covariates was discussed by Prentice (Biometrika, 1982). These results will be briefly reviewed and extended to the situation where updated recordings of a time-dependent covariate are available. Here, both measurement errors and ageing of the available covariate values play a role and these effects are illustrated using both real and simulated data. Finally, methods for adjusting for these effects in the analysis are discussed.
Further information: Christina Künzli, Statistics Seminar of ETH Zurich