[R] Error in setwd(dir) when initializing R

Kevin Thorpe kev|n@thorpe @end|ng |rom utoronto@c@
Mon Nov 20 16:30:51 CET 2023

I think that you may be correct about OneDrive being related.

I have seen OneDrive associated with problems before.

What happens if you manually set the working directory to that location? Does it work if your default home directory is local to your machine?

> On Nov 20, 2023, at 6:18 AM, Ana de las Heras Molina <andelash using ucm.es> wrote:
> [You don't often get email from andelash using ucm.es. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ]
> Hello,
> I am Ana de las Heras, and I write to you because every time I open RStudio
> or R directly I have the following message, before I can do anything at
> all:
> Error in setwd(dir) : no es posible cambiar el directorio de trabajo
> At first I didn't pay much attention to it, but I am having lots of
> troubles with different programs, including LinDa, ANCOMBC or Genome
> InfoDbdata (and thus, phyloseq). After asking in the different forus of
> each program, they have told me that the issue is more related to my R
> installation and that first message I obtain when I start the program.
> I would be very grateful if someone could help me. This issue started when
> I installed the latest version of R (4.3.1. and now 4.3.2.). I have already
> uninstalled and reinstalled both programs, as well as Rtools. I am not sure
> if the issue could be related to ONe Drive, since the HOME folder is in
> OneDrive. I am currently working on Windows 10, 64 bits.
> Yours faithfully,
> Ana
> --
> *Ana de las Heras Molina*
> Nutrición Animal
> Departamento de  Producción Animal
> Facultad de Veterinaria
> Universidad Complutense de Madrid
> *Contacto*: 913943855/anaherasm using ucm.es
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