[Rd] Wish: a way to track progress of parallel operations

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Tue Mar 26 12:14:40 CET 2024


Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my message!

On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 10:19:38 -0700
Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengtsson using gmail.com> wrote:

> * Target a solution that works the same regardless whether we run in
> parallel or not, i.e. the code/API should look the same regardless of
> using, say, parallel::parLapply(), parallel::mclapply(), or
> base::lapply(). The solution should also work as-is in other parallel
> frameworks.

You are absolutely right about mclapply(): it suffers from the same
problem where the task running inside it has no reliable mechanism of
reporting progress. Just like on a 'parallel' cluster (which can be
running on top of an R connection, MPI, the 'mirai' package, a server
pretending to be multiple cluster nodes, or something completely
different), there is currently no documented interface for the task to
report any additional data except the result of the computation.

> I argue the end-user should be able to decided whether they want to
> "see" progress updates or not, and the developer should focus on
> where to report on progress, but not how and when.

Agreed. As a package developer, I don't even want to bother calling
setTxtProgressBar(...), but it gets most of the job done at zero
dependency cost, and the users don't complain. The situation could
definitely be improved.

> It is possible to use the existing PSOCK socket connections to send
> such 'immediateCondition':s.

Thanks for pointing me towards ClusterFuture, that's a great hack, and
conditions are a much better fit for progress tracking than callbacks.

It would be even better if 'parallel' clusters could "officially"
handle immediateConditions and re-signal them in the main R session.
Since R-4.4 exports (but not yet documents) sendData, recvData and
recvOneData generics from 'parallel', we are still in a position to
codify and implement the change to the 'parallel' cluster back-end API.

It shouldn't be too hard to document the requirement that recvData() /
recvOneData() must signal immediateConditions arriving from the nodes
and patch the existing cluster types (socket and MPI). Not sure how
hard it will be to implement for 'mirai' clusters.

> I honestly think we could arrive at a solution where base-R proposes
> a very light, yet powerful, progress API that handles all of the
> above. The main task is to come up with a standard API/protocol -
> then the implementation does not matter.

Since you've already given it a lot of thought, which parts of
progressr would you suggest for inclusion into R, besides 'parallel'
clusters and mclapply() forwarding immediateConditions from the worker

Best regards,

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