[Rd] save.image Non-responsive to Interrupt

Jeroen Ooms jeroenoom@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed May 3 00:55:48 CEST 2023

On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 3:29 PM Martin Maechler
<maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
> >>>>> Ivan Krylov
> >>>>>     on Tue, 2 May 2023 14:59:36 +0300 writes:
>     > В Sat, 29 Apr 2023 00:00:02 +0000
>     > Dario Strbenac via R-devel <r-devel using r-project.org> пишет:
>     >> Could save.image() be redesigned so that it promptly responds to
>     >> Ctrl+C? It prevents the command line from being used for a number of
>     >> hours if the contents of the workspace are large.
>     > This is ultimately caused by serialize() being non-interruptible. A
>     > relatively simple way to hang an R session for a long-ish time would
>     > therefore be:
>     > f <- xzfile(nullfile(), 'a+b')
>     > x <- rep(0, 1e9) # approx. 8 gigabytes, adjust for your RAM size
>     > serialize(x, f)
>     > close(f)
>     > This means that calling R_CheckUserInterrupt() between saving
>     > individual objects is not enough: R also needs to check for interrupts
>     > while saving sufficiently long vectors.
>     > Since the serialize() infrastructure is carefully written to avoid
>     > resource leaks on allocation failures, it looks relatively safe to
>     > liberally sprinkle R_CheckUserInterrupt() where it makes sense to do
>     > so, i.e. once per WriteItem() (which calls itself recursively and
>     > non-recursively) and once per every downstream for loop iteration.
>     > Valgrind doesn't show any new leaks if I apply the patch, interrupt
>     > serialize() and then exit. R also passes make check after the applied
>     > patch.
>     > Do these changes make sense, or am I overlooking some other problem?
> Thank you, Ivan!
> They do make sense... but :
> OTOH, in the past we have had to *disable*  R_CheckUserInterrupt()
> in parts of R's code because it was too expensive,
> {see current src/main/{seq.c,unique.c}  for a series of commented-out
>  R_CheckUserInterrupt() for such speed-loss reasons}
> so  adding these may need a lot of care when we simultaneously
> want to remain  efficient for "morally valid" use of serialization...
> where we really don't want to pay too much of a premium.

Alternatively, one could consider making R throttle or debounce calls
to R_CheckUserInterrupt such that a repeated calls within x time are
ignored, cf: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/javascript-debounce-example/

The reasoning being that it may be difficult for (contributed) code to
determine when/where it is appropriate to check for interrupts, given
varying code paths and cpu speed. Maybe it makes more sense to call
R_CheckUserInterrupt frequently wherever it is safe to do so, and let
R decide if reasonable time has elapsed to actually run the (possibly
expensive) ui check again.

Basic example: https://github.com/r-devel/r-svn/pull/125/files

> {{ saving the whole user workspace is not "valid" in that sense
>    in my view.  I tell all my (non-beginner) Rstudio-using
>    students they should turn *off* the automatic saving and
>    loading at session end / beginning; and for reproducibility
>    only saveRDS() [or save()] *explicitly* a few precious
>    objects ..
> }}
> Again, we don't want to punish people who know what they are
> doing, just because other R users manage to hang their R session
> by too little thinking ...
> Your patch adds 15 such interrupt checking calls which may
> really be too much -- I'm not claiming they are: with our
> recursive objects it's surely not very easy to determine the
> "minimally necessary" such calls.
> In addition, we may still consider adding an extra optional
> argument, say   `check.interrupt = TRUE`
> which we may default to TRUE when  save.image() is called
> but e.g., not when serialize() is called..
> Martin
>     > --
>     > Best regards,
>     > Ivan
>     > x[DELETED ATTACHMENT external: Rd_IvanKrylov_interrupt-serialize.patch, text/x-patch]
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