[Rd] random network disconnects

Patrick Burns pburn@ @end|ng |rom pburn@@@e@net@com
Mon Jul 31 17:43:17 CEST 2023

I'm experiencing a weird issue, and wondering if anyone has seen this, 
and better yet has a solution.

At work we are getting lots of issues with 'permission denied' or 
'network not found' and so forth when reading and writing between our 
machines and a file server.  This happens randomly so the following 
function solves the problem for 'cat' commands:

catSafer <-
function (..., ReTries = 20, ThrowError = TRUE)
     for (catsi in seq_len(ReTries)) {
         res <- try(cat(...))
         if (!inherits(res, "try-error"))
     if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
         if (ThrowError) {
             stop("file connection failed")
         else {
             warning("file connection failed")

People have done network traces and such, but so far nothing has been seen.


Patrick Burns
pburns using pburns.seanet.com
(home of:
  'Impatient R'
  'The R Inferno'
  'Tao Te Programming')

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