[Rd] rhub vs. CRAN fedora-*-devel, using armadillo & slapack

RICHET Yann y@nn@r|chet @end|ng |rom |r@n@|r
Wed Jan 11 18:35:45 CET 2023

Thank you all, for these advices.

So I try to fix OMP_THREADS, cleanup tests, and display explicitly what test is running by moving in tests/ instead of tests/testthat/...
Next step should be to investigate blocking test using a reporter (maybe "list").
For now, waiting for CRAN results...


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com> 
Envoyé : mercredi 11 janvier 2023 00:36
À : Sebastian Meyer <seb.meyer using fau.de>; Ivan Krylov <krylov.r00t using gmail.com>; RICHET Yann <yann.richet using irsn.fr>
Cc : Pascal Havé <pascal using haveneer.com>; R-devel using r-project.org
Objet : Re: [Rd] rhub vs. CRAN fedora-*-devel, using armadillo & slapack

On 10/01/2023 4:07 p.m., Sebastian Meyer wrote:
> Am 10.01.23 um 21:28 schrieb Duncan Murdoch:
>> On 10/01/2023 2:05 p.m., Ivan Krylov wrote:
>>> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 16:27:53 +0000
>>> RICHET Yann <yann.richet using irsn.fr> wrote:
>>>> In facts, 10 threads are asked by armadillo for some LinAlg, which 
>>>> backs to two threads as warned.
>>> I think you're right about your tests de-facto using two threads, 
>>> but it might be a good idea to _default_ to up to two threads in 
>>> tests and examples. This is especially valuable for third-party 
>>> developers who have to mass-test packages (one of which could be 
>>> rlibkriging) in parallel.
>>>> - is there any reason that could explain that fedora-*-devel is so 
>>>> slow for this package or compilation of Rcpp/testthat ?
>>> Compilation time is definitely not the reason. Something in tests/* 
>>> actually runs for 30 minutes by itself.
>>>> - is there any chance that I can get a deeper log of what happened ?
>>> If you split your tests into separate files under tests/*.R instead 
>>> of using a single tests/testthat.R calling the rest of the tests, R 
>>> will be able to show you the individual test file that hung and 
>>> maybe the line where it happened. (Also, you'll get per-file 
>>> timing.) But that is potentially a huge investment: you may have to 
>>> rewrite the tests to work outside the testthat harness, and you'd 
>>> also have to prepare another CRAN submission just to have those 
>>> tests run. It's also against CRAN policy to knowingly submit a package with unfixed ERRORs.
>>> (Currently, R can only tell you that the tests hung in the
>>> test_check('rlibkriging') call in the tests/testthat.R, which isn't 
>>> precise enough.)
>> You can specify a different "reporter" in the test_check() call, and 
>> it will print more useful information.  I don't think there's a 
>> perfect one, but
>>     test_check('rlibkriging', reporter = "progress")
>> should at least show you the tests that finished running before the 
>> timeout.
> I had similar problems with testthat and timeouts when mass-checking 
> packages on patched R versions. My notes say
>> ## testthat's 'LocationReporter' does cat() after each expectation ## 
>> so we can see results even if timeout is reached 
>> options(testthat.default_check_reporter = c("Location", "Check"))
> The help("LocationReporter") says: "This reporter simply prints the 
> location of every expectation and error. This is useful if you're 
> trying to figure out the source of a segfault, or you want to figure 
> out which code triggers a C/C++ breakpoint"
> HTH!

Yes, that looks like it would pin down the location of the problem. 
Here's some sample output from it:

   Running ‘testthat.R’ [41s/42s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
   Start test: can use constructed calls in verify_output() (#945)
     'test-verify-output.R:55' [success]
   End test: can use constructed calls in verify_output() (#945)

   Start test: verify_output() doesn't use cli unicode by default
     'test-verify-output.R:65' [success]
     'test-verify-output.R:73' [success]
   End test: verify_output() doesn't use cli unicode by default

   Start test: verify_output() handles carriage return
     'test-verify-output.R:82' [success]
   End test: verify_output() handles carriage return

   Error: Test failures
   Execution halted

One other thing:  you enabled this by using

   options(testthat.default_check_reporter = c("Location", "Check"))

before running the tests; the package writer could do the same thing by using

   test_check('rlibkriging', reporter = c("Location", "Check"))

Duncan Murdoch

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