[Rd] Shouldn't "Loading" be "Attaching" when referring to library() calls?

Michael Chirico ch|r|com @end|ng |rom goog|e@com
Mon Jan 9 21:25:46 CET 2023

require() and library() both emit this message immediately before
running library():

"Loading required package: %s"



Shouldn't "Loading" be "Attaching" instead?

My understanding is "a package is loaded" is equivalent to
"isNamespaceLoaded()", i.e., loadNamespace() was run. And that "a
package is attached" is equivalent to "pkg %in% .packages()", i.e.,
library(pkg) was run.

Is the terminology not so precise?

There's certainly ambiguity in the internal variable names referenced
above -- in require, we see

loaded <- paste0("package:", package) %in% search()

Whereas in library() [via .getRequiredPackages2()] we see

attached <- paste0("package:", pkg) %in% search()

Mike C

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