[Rd] nightly r-devel.pkg builds failing since Jan 15

Simon Urbanek @|mon@urb@nek @end|ng |rom R-project@org
Mon Feb 27 01:50:06 CET 2023


thanks, this was a fall-out from a power outage due to the cyclone. Although all systems were back up, svn lock files have led to an early abort in the update step. It should be fixed now.


> On 27/02/2023, at 10:40 AM, Gabriel Becker <gabembecker using gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It looks like for intel macs (ie high sierra) the nightly build of R-devel
> has been failing continuously since Jan 16th:
> https://mac.r-project.org/high-sierra/last-success/
> Is this a known issue? I didn't see any way to get at the relevant logs (of
> the .pkg creation step), as the .tar.gz step succeeded.
> Also, the framework (at least the non-pkg'ed one thats in the .tar.gz file)
> is unsigned, meaning the OS gives you grief about opening it.
> Finally, it seems now that even the 4.2 branch is failing in the make stage.
> Best,
> ~G
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