[Rd] Robustifying R_CleanTempDir a bit more

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Feb 16 15:09:09 CET 2023


This is probably a very minor point, but R_CleanTempDir may still have
a shell injection in it. I couldn't find a way to shoot the user in the
foot in a significant way (by, say, accidentally removing ~), thanks to
R disallowing spaces in the path, but if Sys_TempDir somehow acquires a
value of "/tmp/';echo;'", R_CleanTempDir() will remove /tmp instead of
its aptly-named subdirectory.

While adding the single-quote symbol to the list of special symbols
should suffice (it and the backslash being the only allowed ways to
"un-quote" a single-quoted string), I would like to suggest solving the
problem without the use of quoting:

#include <spawn.h>

char ** argv = { "rm", "-Rf", Sys_TempDir, NULL };
posix_spawnp(NULL, "rm", NULL, NULL, argv, NULL);

Are there Unix-like platforms on which R is intended to work that don't
have posix_spawn()? Circa-2014 versions of both Solaris and OpenBSD
seem to have it. Spawning the process manually by means of [v]fork()
and exec() is probably not worth the maintainer effort required to
perform it correctly.

Best regards,

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