[Rd] Unnecessary note when import only used in arg definition

Antoine Fabri @nto|ne@|@br| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Feb 6 15:42:51 CET 2023

Dear r-devel,

When a package is only used in an argument definition, e.g :

f <- function(test = testthat::is_testing()) {

  if (test) 1 else 2


R CMD CHECK gives us a note: "Namespace in Imports field not imported from:

This incites me to remove the package from the Imports field but that'll
make my package brittle.

I noted I'm not the first one having the issue (
https://github.com/r-lib/devtools/issues/2456 ) and I've seen some
workarounds too, in particular Hadley Wickham suggests in 'R packages' to
use the following construct :

ignore_unused_imports <- *function*() {



That's far from obvious though, and not very satisfying.

Are there any downside to removing this note in this scenario? it makes
little sense to me and incites wrong behaviour AFAIU.



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