R-alpha: RData in batch

Ross Ihaka ihaka@stat.auckland.ac.nz
Fri, 28 Nov 1997 12:57:40 +1300 (NZDT)

Philippe Lambert writes:
 > Thus, 
 > would it be possible to have R not creating .RData file by default in
 > batch mode?

Hmmm.  Actually I was on your side, but there were a number of
requests to do it the other way.

So let me play Solomon ...

I think that I will introduce two new options to be used when invoking

	R -save
	R -nosave

The default behavior in batch mode will be to refuse to run unless one
of these options is specified.

Multiple versions of these options will be allowed on the command
line, and it is the last (rightmost) one which determines what

In the front-end shell-script there is a line which reads

	exec $DEBUGGER $RHOME/bin/R.binary $*

and I will change this to

	exec $DEBUGGER $RHOME/bin/R.binary $BATCHSAVE $*

and give the person installing R the option of setting a value for
BATCHSAVE in the config.site script (or when we go gnu --with-save
or --with-nosave).

This way there can be a site-wide selection of the default behavior
which individual users can override.

Sound ok?

(I think that Thomas L pointed out that the real bug that bit you has
been fixed too).
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