0.1 first version, only one function umpu.binom To Do: Need analogous functions for Poisson and exponential family generated by the hypergeometric (used for comparing independent binomials). Might be nice to have analogous functions for UMP. 0.2 changes to inst/doc/design.* only. 0.3 added function arpv.binom because umpu.binom isn't helpful for getting the density of the abstract randomized P-value found and fixed a lot of problems caused by inexactness of computer arithmetic 0.4 added function fci.binom to plot fuzzy confidence intervals 0.5 clean up for CRAN 0.5-1 ????? 0.5-2 remove some files from package that cause annoying warnings. also changed code in arpv.binom.R to deal with inexact computer arithmetic slightly better and eliminate some warnings 2.6.0 gave on old code in the tests put in NAMESPACE (wasn't using namespaces before) 0.5-3 switch licence to "MIT + file LICENCE" as per instructions from Brian Ripley out of monotone, into git, onto github 0.5-4 move vignette to vignettes directory, fix file LICENSE as per CRAN instructions 0.5-5 explictly import stuff from stats and graphics, required by R-3.3.0 0.5-6 fix spelling error in DESCRIPTION as required by CRAN 0.5-7 register native routines 0.5-8 put DOI in DESCRIPTION in angle brackets!