CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0-7 BUG FIXES o repaired handling of metadata in the CITATION file so that citation information can be read without the package being installed. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0-6 DOCUMENTATION o new maintainer email address. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0-5 PERFORMANCE o numerical integrations use the built-in function integrate instead of calling the underlying QUADPACK routines dqags and dqagi. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0-4 BUG FIXES o repaired NAMESPACE omissions that prevented installation in R 2.13. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0-3 PERFORMANCE o compatibility updates for R 2.14. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0-2 DOCUMENTATION o complete reference to related publication. CHANGES IN VERSION 2.0-1 FEATURES o can use another leiv object as the prior density. BUG FIXES o posterior density normalization could fail without explanation for nearly linear input data. o improved checking for exceptional inputs. PERFORMANCE o improved efficiency of numerical integrations with direct calls to QUADPACK routines dqags and dqagi. o stabilized utility functions p50 and probInt. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0-1 BUG FIXES o leiv(n=n, cor=r, sdRatio=l) would fail if r = 0; similarly, leiv(y~x) would fail if cor(x,y) = 0. o plot(l, plotType="scatter") would fail without explanation if the leiv object l was generated using sufficient statistics instead of data. o improved plotting of colinear cases.